School Profile
School Profile
- Accredited by Cognia
- Madison County Board of Education, District 2, Angie Bates
- 500+ students
- 30+ certified employees
- 1 Principal
- 1 Assistant Principal
- 1 Library-Media Specialist
- 1 Guidance Counselor
- 2 Instructional Coaches - Reading & Math
- 6 National Board Certified Teachers - Karen Allen, Kellie Evans, Sharon Freeman, Valerie Owen, Sarah Posey, Casey Scheppler, Allison Schwartz Scheppler, Allison Schwartz
- 20+ support employees
- Report Card Score - A/94
Awards and Recognition
- Alabama Wildlife Federation's Outdoor Classroom (2021)
- Blue Ribbon Lighthouse School of Excellence (2018)
- CLAS School of Distinction (2017)
- CLAS Banner School (2017) (Only 8 schools in AL received this award)
- Alabama Bicentennial School (2018) and Grant Recipient
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Every Healthy Kid Two-time Grant Recipient
- Project Lead the Way School/Grant Recipient
- PLC Model School (2022)
Programs and Initiatives
Our teachers implement high-quality reading instruction based on the Science of Reading and specialized training they have received through the following professional learning opportunities:
- Phonics First Reading and Spelling System, an IMSLEC Accredited MSL program
- Orton-Gillingham Multisensory Instruction
- LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) accredited by the International Dyslexia Association
- Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum
- Alabama Reading Initiative Strategic Teaching and Engagement Strategies
For Math and Science instruction, learning opportunities are focused on helping children explore real-world situations through the use of:
- The Ongoing Assessment Project for Mathematical Formative Assessment (OGAP)
- Alabama Math Science and Technology Initiative (AMSTI)
- Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
About Riverton Elementary
School Colors: Red and White
Mascot: Wolf Cubs