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After School Care

RES After School Care

After-School Care Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year. Your child WILL NOT be added to the After School program unless all PowerSchool registration is complete for the 2023-2024 school year.   If you have not finished registration for school, this is the first step before your child can be registered for the After-School Care program. 

Anyone can complete the form now.  However, families who participated in the program last year will be accepted into the program first until June 22nd.  After enrollment of the families from last school year is complete on June 30th, additional students will be added on a first-come, first-serve basis until all slots are filled (and only if PowerSchool registration is complete).  A waiting list will also be kept on a first-come basis.  All form entries are timestamped and the timestamp will be used to determine the order.

See Rate Chart below. Register for 2023-2024 After-School Care at this link.

Questions? Contact: Ms. Tyriver at:

Rates for After School Care


5 Days

4 Days

3 Days

1 Child




2 Children




3 Children


